Does this work outside the U.S.?
Does this work outside the U.S.?
There is no information at app description that it has coverage area. Ive downloaded it and cannot use because I am outside coverage area. Its unfair I didnt know about any coverage area before download.
Im out of area(Houston), but the idea alone is worth 5 stars. Feature request: Green light prediction, so I can time lights. (Audi recently announced this for their new cars). Was wishing for an app as soon as I heard about it.
App does not work even on supposed covered area. GPS is active even when app is in background. Deleted
I just went driving through provo, one of the alleged "covered cities" and the app still says Im out of range. #wtheck
Running this on a 4S for a couple days and it has yet to work for me. Nothing happens at any of the lights Ive stopped at.
Interesting idea, but it never worked for me. It would start counting down at a red light, but them with about 5 sec left the countdown would disappear and it would just show a red circle with a car in the middle. Never had a chime to let me know the light was about to turn green. Also, it allows your phone to auto lock, then rendering the app useless. If I have to keep paying attention to my phone so that it doesnt auto lock then that defeats the entire purpose of the app.
My city is listed as one of the supported ones but it doesnt work while I am there.
Unfortunate, but true. When I was in SLC today, I tried the app. I wasnt impressed, unfortunately.
Today is the first day this went active in walnut creek so we went to go test it out by driving around the city. I am impressed with the concept and I can imagine this being very useful for smoothing out traffic flow once its refined. (And even more so if we all get self driving cars) That said, there were a few day 1 issues: The count down timer often isnt accurate and often resets. For example it will countdown to 5 seconds and reset to 23 seconds so you end up waiting longer than you expected. Additionally, sometimes the countdown doesnt show up at all and it just turns green; or the app doesnt chime 5 seconds prior to the light change and just remains silent and turns green. At one light, we also got the countdown for the light that was perpendicular to us, though that may be a gps issue rather than the apps fault. Finally it might be more intuitive if the signal on the screen turned green rather than white. TIP: if your phone automatically syncs to your cars Bluetooth, remember to turn on the radio otherwise you wont get the audio prompts.
Countdown are not accurate at intersections. It adds time to countdowns half way through. Background music doesnt play with app well. Does not give countdown info on upcoming lights, only when stopped.
Just download this app and drove down town walnut creek, lets you know information on the green lights. Avoid red lights This app does need some up grades, more options puled be nice. Better view of the traffic, a visual appearance would be best! I am sure there will be a new update soon.
Your driving along and the Enlighten APP tells you your going to make the next light. It changes your driving experience in a good way. Enjoying using it in Las Vegas!
I do get a green or red light. But no countdowns and no sound notification. App needs some work.
So how soon will this app be available in San Francisco, the greater SF Bay Area and throughout California? Also, Business Insider mentioned that any existing BMW on the road with iDrive system can install the app and control it using iDrive. How do you do this?? Best regards
The interface for this app is bad. It fails to communicate important things like what it does, why it is not doing anything, or how to make it do something. When it first started it asked for constant location even when not running so I said no, I dont need the app to constantly spy on where I am. I will run the app when I want the app to run. And there is this nonsense about the app needing to be horizontal and stuff. I put it in a phone holder in my car and it was horizontal and it still was saying it needed to be horizontal. It seems coverage is limited but no where in the app description is that mentioned. Also where do I find out where the app actually does work?
I have a 535i how can I sync with my car. Read it on engage post that we can sync with Idrive How do I do that ?
Downloaded the app after reading about the BMW integration article on Engadget. Couldnt get past the startup screen after opening the app. Not sure what BMW saw in it. Maybe they have the technology on the backend but the frontend UI is terrible.
how did this pass Apples review process??
Downloaded this because of an article I read on Engadget about BMW integrating their tech. Unfortunately the app does not communicate any information or explain what it does or how it works. It just shows a picture of a green car. I guess theres no support for Boston. Needs a ton of work before it is actually useful for anything.